As a Foster Family, I agree to the following:

  • Foster Family understands said animal is currently and it is necessary to list that name for recording keeping , appointments, public information, etc. If you wish to change the name please notify AKKCR prior to doing so.

  • Foster Family to allow a representative of AKKCR to visit my premises to insure the terms of this agreement have been kept, AKKCR will give 24 hours notice prior to coming to the address listed above.

  • Said animal will be provided with adequate fresh food, water, clean litter box (if needed), clean living environment, will not be kept outside, and will get daily exercise.

  • Toobey all applicable laws governing control and custody of animals i.e. leash laws.

  • Never allow any animal to ride loose in the bed of pickup trucks, convertibles or to be left in a car when air temperatures exceed 60 degrees or below 30 degrees and for a max time of 1 hour in a cage. Kittens under 12 weeks and puppies under 8 weeks are NEVER to be left unattended for any reason inside a vehicle.

  • If fostering a dog, the Foster Family agrees to have a clean, secure area for the dog. If a fenced enclosure is not available, Foster Family agrees to leash walk the dog not only for potty time but for daily exercise.

  • Foster Family agrees to bring said animal to veterinary appointments and adoption events. If unable to do so, Foster Family will need to inform AKKCR prior, to allow proper time for AKKCR to make arrangements for alternative transportation.

  • Foster Family understands that AKKCR retains legal control of said Animal and Foster Family is not authorized to make any legal or medical decisions on said animal’s behalf.

  • Foster Family agrees to allow potential adopters that AKKCRhas approvedto meet the said animal at the family's home OR at another reasonable location. Notification to AKKCR is required prior to doing a meet with a potential adoptive family. If the Foster Family is unable to do so, the Foster Family will need to notify AKKCR.

  • Foster Family agrees to facilitate meeting with prospective adopters and answer questions by potential adopters to the best of their ability.If Foster Family is unable to do so, the Foster Family will need to notify AKKCR.

  • Foster Family agrees to respond to AKKCR within 24 hours concerning the animal and/or potential adopters.

  • AKKCR makes no guarantees of said animals, breed, health, or temperament. AKKCR has made every effort to provide accurate history and assessment of said animal, AKKCR is not able to guarantee the animals age, breed, medical status, behavior, or dispositions. AKKCR is available for consultation, advice and assistance pertaining to the health, training, and compatibility of said animal. AKKCR will provide a mentor to assist the Foster Family with any questions.

  • All medical expenses that are approved by AKKCR and treated through AKKCR approved veterinary office will be covered by AKKCR. If you take said animal to your vet it will not be covered.

  • Foster Family agrees to release AKKCR and its members or representatives of any and all possible claims arising from injury or damage caused by said animal to any person or property.

  • Foster Family agrees to release the previous owner as well as AKKCR and its representatives of any liability arising from our duties as a Foster Family, from this date forward. Foster Family agrees to abide by the foster conditions and Foster Family has read and fully understands that AKKCR mayremove said animal at any time.

  • Foster Family understands that no other person other than ones given permission by AKKCR will be able to remove said animal from their home. Foster Family will need to date this agreement with the date and name of the volunteer who does remove said animal for any reason.
