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Welcome to

Are you looking for a new furry companion to welcome to your family? Do you need some guidance on caring for community cats? Or do you simply want to join us on the cats’ well-being mission? Then you’re at the right place! At Alaska Krazy Kats Cat Rescue, we are dedicated to making a real difference in the lives of cats and the communities. So, let’s embark on this journey and create a difference in the world!

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Cat Adoptions

Cat Adoptions

Connecting the rescue cats with loving homes and families that are ready to welcome these furry companions!

Community Assistance

Community Assistance

Looking for guidance on how to look after your little furry friend? We're here for you! We'll offer all the assistance and resources to help you make their lives comfier!

Spay or Neuter Assistance

Spay or Neuter Assistance

Need a helping hand for the spay and neuter of your furry friend? Look no further! We are here to offer financial help and ease your burden, or we can connect you with an affordable spay/neuter service provider.

Explore More

Explore the world of Alaska Krazy Kats Cat Rescue and how we work for the well-being of cats.

Application Forms

About Alaska Krazy Kats Cat Rescue

Adopt A Little Furry Companion Today!

Alaska Krazy Kats Cat Rescue is all about making sure every cat gets the love and care they deserve! We specialize in connecting the little fur ones with the perfect homes and a perfect family. Our love for cats is not limited to just putting them up for adoption; we also help with spaying and neutering your fur companions and go out in the community to support community cats. At Alaska Krazy Kats Cat Rescue, we’re all about:

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Medical clinic icon.
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Successful Rescue

Animal Abandoned

Animal Abandoned

Cates House

Cates House

Cates Care

Cates Care

Woman in white hat hugging a gray cat in a lavender field.

Join our Cat Rescue Mission

Alaska Krazy Kats Cat Rescue

Have a compassionate heart for these little furry creatures? Join us and be a hero for the needy cats! Call us now if you come across any furry friend in need! With our rescue efforts, we’ll provide them with shelter, medical care, and another chance to live again!

Safe & Easy Donations

Surrendering Cats is simple!

Woman in yellow dress holding a calico cat.

Join Our Team

Let's Create a Better Tomorrow!

Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of these adorable ones? Join us on this mission and become a part of our dedicated volunteering team! We believe that with your support, we’ll be able to bring happiness to their lives and find them their forever home!


Flexible Opportunities

Whether you want to help us with data entry, planning events, raising funds, or any other administrative tasks, you're always welcome with open arms.


Cat Socialization

You can simply spend some quality time with our rescue cats, provide them with love and attention, and make them feel comfortable!

“My volunteering experience at Alaska Krazy Kats Cat Rescue has been incredibly heartwarming and rewarding. I’m grateful to be a part of such a compassionate and dedicated community that truly wants to work on the welfare of cats!”

Reeta Charles

We need Your Support

Donate Today And Create A Better Future!

Want to make a difference in the lives of the furry friends? Contribute to support our cause! Your donations can help us provide essential care to our rescue cats. From cozy shelters to delicious meals and veterinary treatments, your contribution can make a more significant impact in the lives of these adorable ones!

Opening Hours

Monday - Saturday

08.00 AM - 19.00 PM



Get in touch

Donations Form


What People Say About Us

Discover Alaska Krazy Kats Cat Rescue through the voice of others! Read firsthand accounts of our adopters, community members, and volunteers who have experienced our dedication and commitment to the well-being of the cats.
Frankie Jordan
    Frankie Jordan

    As a volunteer, I must say I have experienced compassion and dedication in every team member. From rescuing cats to finding homes for the fur ones, this organization is truly a lifesaver for the cats. I'm proud to be a part of this lifesaving mission.

    Judith Stancy
      Judith Stancy

      I found an adorable companion with the help of Alaska Krazy Kats Cat Rescue, and I'm absolutely delighted with the adoption process. The staff answered all my questions and, above all, provided valuable advice for cat care!

      Myron Jude
        Myron Jude

        I'm grateful Alaska Krazy Kats Cat Rescue helped me and welcomed my cat with open arms as I was unable to take care of him. They made sure to care for him and found a new loving family. Thank you for all you did for me and my cat!

        Jeremiah Jude
          Jeremiah Jude

          I found a wounded stray cat in the neighborhood that needed proper attention, so I called Alaska Krazy Kats Cat Rescue for assistance. They took the cat under their wings and made sure that the cat was treated well and recovered speedily. I'm really grateful and impressed with their compassion and dedication.

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