Before Filling out Application:

Consider the fact that all of these felines are in need Lifelong Great, Loving Homes.

This Form is to help us help you find the best match for you and the Felines awaiting adoption. Prior to adoption interview please have available and understand these items.

  • To show current identification showing present address.
  • Permission from landlord or proof of ownership of on home.
  • Contact information for current primary Veterinarian
  • Minimum age 21 at time of adoption
  • Understand that none of our Felines will be adopted out to be declawed at any time.
  • Agree to provide a lifelong loving Forever Home

Personal References:

home life:

1. Do you currently have any pets ?

2. If, you own Felines and/or Canines are they current on their vaccinations, and are they altered/fixed?

Past Pets

1. Have you ever lost a pet at a young age due to accident or illness? Please let us know what happened:

2. Have you ever given up a pet?

If yes, where did the animal end up? Please Explain Specifically:

Veterinary Care

2. Names and Numbers of Veterinarians used in the Last Five Years.

Feline Activities

Long Term Care

Adoption Promotion

The Important Questions:

I understand that I am filing a Feline Adoption Application to Alaska Krazy Kats Cat Rescue and Kitty Adoptions, and certify that all the listed information is correct to the best of my knowledge.

Important New Adoption Facts

Health of feline/Kitty Colds:

Ak Krazy Kats does it best to disclose any information about any feline being adopted. This is not a guarantee. Any adopter must accept that they are taking into their care a living creature. Adopters should always take your new pet to the Vet for a checkup. It is not uncommon for a feline to develop an upper respiratory infection (Kitty Cold) shortly after being adopted. Ak Krazy Kats would like to know about any issues that come up to assist the adopter in what to do. We are not a veterinary hospital, and providing extensive veterinary services is not legal.

Behavior Changes:

Behavior changes in future (litterbox, hiding, etc.) may indicate health issue. Stress can bring out Litterbox issues. Confining to a feline to one room initially is best because it keeps the feline close litterbox. It will reinforce good Litterbox habits

Unwanted behavior such as scratching furniture:

There are many types of sticky tapes that are available for furniture. Making sure sure you have adequate scratch posts and boards for felines is a must

I have read the above information, and I have a general understanding of it